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American Colossus: The Triumph of Capitalism, 1865-1900, H.W. Brands

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view post Posted on 28/5/2020, 19:10

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The years between the Civil War and the end of the nineteenth century saw the wholesale transformation of America from a land of small farmers and small businessmen into an industrial giant. Driven by unfathomably wealthy and powerful businessmen like J. P. Morgan, Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller, armies of workers, both male and female, were harnessed to a new vision of massive industry. A society rooted in the soil became one based in cities, and legions of immigrants were drawn to American shores. What’s more, in accomplishing its revolution, capitalism threatened to eclipse American democracy. “What do I care about the law?” bellowed Cornelius Vanderbilt. “Hain’t I got the power?” He did, and with it he and the other capitalists reshaped every aspect of American life. In American Colossus, H.W. Brands portrays the emergence, in a remarkably short time, of a recognizably modern America.
The capitalist revolution left not a single area or aspect of American life untouched. It roared across the South, wrenching that region from its feudal past and integrating the southern economy into the national one. It burst over the West, dictating the destruction of Native American economies and peoples, driving the exploitation of natural resources, and making the frontier of settlement a business frontier as well. It crashed across the urban landscape of the East and North, turning cities into engines of wealth and poverty, opulence and squalor. It swamped the politics of an earlier era, capturing one major party and half of the other, inspiring the creation of a third party and determining the issues over which all three waged some of the bitterest battles in American history.
Brands’s spellbinding narrative beautifully depicts the oil gushers of western Pennsylvania, the rise, in Chicago, of the first skyscraper, the exploration of the Colorado River, the cattle drives of the West, and the early passionate sparks of union life. By 1900 the America he portrays is wealthier than ever, yet prosperity is precarious, inequality rampant, and democracy stretched thin. American Colossus is an unforgettable portrait of the years when the contest between capitalism and democracy was at its sharpest, and capitalism triumphed.

Titolo: American Colossus: The Triumph of Capitalism, 1865-1900
Autore: H.W. Brands
Prezzo: € 6.35
Anno: 2010, 12 Ottobre
Dimensioni: 626 pagine
ASIN: B003F3PK72

Tutta la prima parte di questo volume è una splendida, avvincente narrative di come il capitalism si sia fatto strada nell’esistenza dell’uomo della strada e del politico. Brands coglie al volo l’opportunità di dare consistenza alla Storia attraverso i punti di vista di immigrati, di schiavi e di cittadini, facendone dei personaggi che ben rendono l’idea di cosa stiano vivendo nel mezzo della rivoluzione industriale, agricola ed economica.
Purtroppo, quando nella seconda parte si passa alla politica pura, ecco che anche qui compare la maledetta lista della spesa: nomi, fatti, eventi sciorinati come se il lettore dovesse avere una conoscenza importante dei meccanismi bizantini della politica Americana –un modo di esporre reso ancora più irritante dal fatto che la prende taaaaanto alla larga, che a un certo punto ci si chiede ‘sì, e il capitalismo dov’è?!?’
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